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Home » Lachlan Croft Car Accident – Why is Lachlan Croft Trending?

Lachlan Croft Car Accident – Why is Lachlan Croft Trending?

lachlan croft

The story of one Lachlan Croft who was reportedly involved in a car accident in which he killed two police officers and injured another for life has taken over the social media space.

All over TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and other platforms, the Lachlan Croft story is trending and raising multiple questions.

Who is Lachlan Croft and what is he accused of doing? Why is he trending?

In this article, we break down everything we know about this trending incident that has gotten social media users going gaga.

Lachlan Croft car accident, who is Lachlan Croft?

Lachlan Croft is allegedly a 22-year-old, male adult film star from the United States of America.

Croft is accused of having engaged in conduct so vile that he was sentenced to life imprisonment for it!

What did he do? Lachlan Croft is accused of hitting and killing two police officers with his car and permanently paralyzing the other.

According to a narration of the incident by a Tiktoker, Lachlan Croft received his paycheck and decided to buy a bottle of spray paint and huff it in his car.

While high on whatever it was he had consumed, Croft took off in his car for some misadventures and he certainly found those.

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Out of his mind Croft took his car into high gear, driving almost triple the speed limit with no regard for consequences.

At this point in his misadventures, he reportedly ran into some police officers on the side of the road performing random breath tests.

Croft rammed into them, allegedly killing two instantly and leaving the other one paralyzed for life.

Per the narration, Lachlan Croft received life imprisonment for his role in the car accident.

The incident triggered numerous responses from social media users stunned by Croft’s alleged actions and wanting to learn more about him.

One pithy response described him as Lara Croft’s little brother. Another popular response said the injured police officer must be Joe Swanson from Family Guy!

lachlan croft car accident

Another response expressed concern, wondering if the said perpetrator was the popular Fortnite streamer, Lachlan Ross Power.

Another hoax?

While the story of Lachlan has blown up all over social media, there is little indication of it being a true story.

On social media platforms such as TikTok, generative AI hoaxes have been going viral by creating stories that easily trigger responses from followers that may or may not be true.

A search for Lachlan Croft on the internet does not turn up enough information to conclusively declare that this story happened, but we may be wrong.

If you have any information confirming this story, feel free to send it to us on our Contact Us page.


The TikTok video narrating this story reads as follows…

“Not so fun fact, when 22 year old adult film star Lachlan Croft received his fortnitely paycheck he went and bought a bottle of spray paint and went into his car and consumed and consumed the bottle of spray paint while driving two and a half times the road speed limit. This is when he saw three police cars pulled over to the side of the road performing a random breath test.

“He then rammed his car into those three police officers killing two instantly while letting one crawl away making it out alive living the rest of their life in a wheelchair. Lachlan Croft received life in prison,”

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