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Home » Joshua Shane Hammond, Richlands VA Steroid Dad Assaults Wrestling Coach Over ‘Bad’ Call – Explained

Joshua Shane Hammond, Richlands VA Steroid Dad Assaults Wrestling Coach Over ‘Bad’ Call – Explained

joshua shane hammond shoves wrestling coach

Joshua Shane Hammond, an American father from Richlands Virginia has completely became the latest example of a grown man making a fool out of themselves over lack of emotional control after attacking a referee officiating his son during a wrestling tournament.

Hammond, dubbed ‘Steroid Dad’ by the internet, completely lost his cool while watching his son compete and once he was unhappy with a call from the referee, he decided to assault him!

The result was pandemonium as the match was broken up by other referees, parents, and other adults present to protect both the referee who was shoved, and the other child in the contest who also happened to be pushed over during the sequence of unfortunate events.

Joshua Shane Hammond Richland Virginia Steroid Dad Trending – Explained

joshua shane hammond wrestling

A Virginia man has gotten himself into internet infamy, and possible legal jeopardy, after his decision to assault a referee who was just doing his job officiating a kid’s wrestling match.

The man, ‘Steroid Dad’ Joshua Shane Hammond, has jumped into the internet hall of fame – the bad section – after his actions during a wrestling tournament in North Carolina.

Hammond’s son was locked in a tough encounter with another kid who frankly appeared to be kicking Hammond Jr’s behind and that probably contributed to the immense frustration daddy was feeling.

As the fight went on, Hammond Jr in a desperate attempt to escape a disadvantageous position, started engaging in illegal moves, at least according to the official in charge of the contest who made this known in a TikTok video that has gone insanely viral, garnering over 11million views.

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The referee, known as SpeedTurtle on TikTok, is not simply a high school wrestling official with a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, he also happens to be an attorney

“You can see here that the bottom wrestler (Hammond Jr) is grabbing the top wrestler’s right toe with his left hand so he’s putting his knee in an awkward position and he’s bending it to the side. There’s a rule that I can call that illegal, taking any limb out of its normal range of motion…I’m in very good position and I can see his knee is in strange position,” SpeedTurtle explains in the video

According to the referee, he spotted this illegal move and blew his whistle to warn little Hammond against his illegal activities.

However, despite his whistle, Hammond Jr who most definitely is his father’s son, continued to apply pressure to the limb. The referee then comes onto the mat to issue a warning and that’s when all hell broke loose!

In an instant Shane Hammond completely went bonkers, rushing onto the canvas and shoving the unaware referee from behind.

joshua shane hammond richland virginia

The shove pushed the referee into the other kid who had been kicking the b*tt of Hammond’s son and it was only by a stroke of luck that neither got seriously injured in the altercation.

The situation quickly descended into chaos as other referees, parents, and other adults in attendance rushed to defuse the situation. Joshua Shane Hammond and his wife, Mandi Dawn Hammond continued to scream at the ref who threw them out.

@theoriginalspeedturtle Thank you for all your support. Everyone is ok and I appreciate everyone that stepped in to help. I’m sorry it took me so long to post the part two. #wrestlingtiktok #ref #greatwolflodge #wrestlingtournament #usawrestling #nobullies #roidrage #greenscreen #concordnc #sportsofficial #virginiawrestling ♬ original sound – SpeedTurtle

Comments completely flamed the family over their horrendous behavior.

Looks like riod rage. His parents seem lovely. So glad you pressed charges,” said mylifewithgingers on Tiktok.

That dad needs so jail time. Definitely criminal charges. And if the kid continues in sports the dad should no longer be welcomed to show,” Rhonda also chimed in.

mandi dawn hammond
Joshua Shane and wife Mandi Dawn Hammond

The age of social media has completely changed the dynamics of the world we live in and its completely amazing to witness at times.

Once upon a time incidents such as these could happen and no one would even know about it but these days it just shows up on video and these bad actors immediately gain internet infamy and have to deal with some consequences for their actions, especially as everything was caught live in 4k.

According to SpeedTurtle, he has filed charges against Steroid Dad so the next time he steps foot in North Carolina, there is an arrest warrant just sitting there waiting for Joshua Shane Hammond of Richlands, Virginia.

Regarding his wife Mandi Dawn Hammond, a simple Google search on her reveals that she defrauded the U.S. government of COVID relief funds, but we will take care of her story another day, another time.

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