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Home » Hailey Wellington Hawk Tuah, Why is A Teacher from Ripley, Tippah County, Mississippi Trending?

Hailey Wellington Hawk Tuah, Why is A Teacher from Ripley, Tippah County, Mississippi Trending?

hailey wellington

Ok now this is getting out of hand!!! A new story has emerged about the Hawk Tuah girl and sent people online scrambling to learn all they can about Hailey Wellington, a teacher from Epstein Day School located in Ripley MS in Tippah County.

Ever since the Hawk Tuah story went viral several days ago, a major hunt has been ongoing to decipher the identity of the girl at the center of this entire saga.

Simultaneously, the girl has doen her best to remain hidden, refusing to come out and identify herself, probably to spare herself from a multitude of unwanted messages and propositions!

Either way, that has created a vacuum that many satirical sites on social media are taking advantage of, making up stories about the identity of the Hawk Tuah girl and receiving thousands of shares, comments and views in return.

We already reported on a couple of these stories, but the latest to emerge, from the Tippah County Tribune, has once again sent people on a race to find out all they can about a certain Hailey Wellington.

Hailey Wellington, Ripley MS Teacher is the Hawk Tuah Girl, according to Satirical Publication Tippah County Tribune

hailey wellington hawk tuah

The Hawk Tuah girl must be practically schizophrenic at this point.

Initially identified as Hailey Welch of Nashville, Tennessee, her refusal to come out and identify herself has created so many other names and identities for her and they keep coming out every second.

In case you aren’t aware, a satirical page already ‘identified’ her as Katie Vickers of Somerset, daughter of preacher Harley Vickers.

That story has yet to die down and in comes another satirical page identifying the Hawk Tuah girl as Hailey Wellington, 23, of Ripley MS, a teacher with Epstein Day School in Tippah County.

Like the story from The Somerset Insider that identified Katie Vickers, the Tippah County Tribune story has completely gone viral on Facebook, garnering over 3k shares and close to 1k comments at the time of this publication.

The story claims (keep in mind this is ‘satire’), that the Hawk Tuah girl has been identified as one Hailey Wellington.

She is a teacher and the discovery of her video has led to her being forced out of her job.

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The story has some truly fantastical quotes that probably should have given it away as satire but for some reason people just did not get it and continue to share and comment as if it was real.

We have kids spitting on each other and everything else since they heard Miss Hailey say “spit on that thang” on YouTube. They really look up to her as a role model and imitate the things that she does,” Epstein Day School Director Carla Reed is ‘quoted’ as saying in a statement.

“We cannot allow this type of behavior. One positive thing the kids took from Miss Hailey’s interview is that parents have informed us their kids are “dusting the cobwebs off everything” in their homes to earn extra allowance money. The parents are happily awestricken of their children’s newfound enthusiasm towards dusting.”

Hailey the supposed Hawk Tooh girl herself also gave a ‘statement’: “I love those kids, and they mean the world to me. It is not fair that I am forced to resign from my job because of a matter that occurred during my own personal time away from school. What I said during that interview was based on my own personal thoughts. I was giving good advice to those who might want to have a little fun. I have the right to share my life experiences if I choose to do so. It has nothing to do with the kind of teacher I am for my kids. It is outright discrimination, and I plan to seek retribution against the preschool,”

The story claims that Wellington would hold a fundraiser where she is expected to sell hawk tuah merchandise including shirts, stickers, cups, decals, flags, as well as other items, as well as sign autographs, all to raise funds to retain a lawyer to fight her removal.

Comments flooded the viral post which as we mentioned received over 3,300 shares!

People were not in on the joke and had serious comments to make.

We all, no matter what our chosen profession is, are allowed to be ourselves during our time away from our jobs. Keep your children off of TikTok. Preschoolers shouldn’t even have access to the internet at any time without complete supervision by an adult,” a comment by one Angie Allen said. The comment had received about 300 likes.

Beau Slay, another person who in fact did not get the joke, also said Wellington would make more money marketing Hawk Tuah than as a teacher so she’s probably going to come out ahead anyway.

And one other person was flabbergasted at all those believing the story and exasperatedly bemoaned the days when people were skeptical before believing everything they read on Facebook.


Hawk Tuah girl’s identity

As we’ve mentioned ad nauseam by this point, the Hawk Tuah girl was identified as Hailey Welch by the creators behind Tim & Dee TV, the YouTube channel that conducted the interview that went wildly viral and kicked off this entire craze.

In case you’re still on this earth and haven’t heard of what the Hawk Tuah is then well done, it’s not easy to be that insular in this current timeline. Nevertheless, you can find out all about the Hawk Tuah girl in our nifty story we did on the issue.

hailey welch nashville - who is the hawk tuah spit on that thing girl

Looking at how the so-called ‘satirical’ stories giving multiple identities to the Hawk Tuah girl continue to wildly blow up on Facebook, you can expect more of such new identities for her to pop up every couple of days and we are sure to break it all down here at Explained so no one is confused about what they’re reading.

To reiterate, teacher Hailey Wellington is not the Hawk Tuah girl, she’s a parody creation of the Tippah County Tribune – Hawk Tuah girl’s real name is probably Hailey Welch from Nashville, TN.

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