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Home » Ella Bailey GoFundMe, Allen Park MI Resident Commits Suicide, Tributes, Obituary Plus More

Ella Bailey GoFundMe, Allen Park MI Resident Commits Suicide, Tributes, Obituary Plus More

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A tragic story involving a beautiful young lady battling demons and succumbing to them has emerged out of the city of Allen Park, Michigan, where Ella Bailey took her own life with her family starting a GoFundMe to handle the aftermath of this tragedy.

Bailey decided to take her own life, a decision that left all who loved her steeped in mourning.

Her sister said Ella just could not hold on any longer.

Ella Bailey of Allen Park MI Commits Suicide, Family Starts GoFundMe As Tributes Roll In, Obituary Plus More

ella bailey allen park

Ella Bailey was a stunning young lady who from the outside might look like an ideal model of a lady, a beauty who had everything going for her.

Tragically for her loved ones, on the inside Ella was battling some real demons and after contending with them for a long time she finally ran out of forbearance and succumbed to their twisted wishes.

The Bailey family were hit with sad news after discovering Ella had taken her own life, her mother breaking down the heart-wrenching discovery in a viral Facebook post.

According to Sarah Bailey, Ella had been struggling with her mental health for a long time and eventually, she just could hold on no longer.

She described her daughter as a pure soul who “always wore her heart on her sleeve and was a beautiful person inside and out,”

“I can only pray that she is now out of pain and happy playing her guitar and singing nonstop up in the sky,” Sarah said.

She said in order to give her daughter the burial she deserved she had started a GoFundMe.

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“Please hold those you love a little tighter, and if you or anyone you know is struggling be patient and kind with them,” Sarah added.

Aside from Sarah other friends of Ella took to social media to mourn her.

The picture that emerged was that of a beautiful lady who was sweet, fun, kind, and talented, both at singing, volleyball, and in other extracurricular activities.

The world is definitely going to miss the light of sweet, talented and beautiful Ella Bailey… We were all lucky to bask in your glow & experience your pure soul!” Alyssa Marie said in her tribute.

ella bailey obituary

Regis Raymond, a friend of Sarah’s, recounted how Ella had shown her singing talent during a Karaoke Competition in which she even won the first qualifying round.

“I Truly Hope she is showering heaven with her amazing Guitar Playing and her Beautiful Voice…. This is another example of how you truly don’t know what people are going through…BE KIND! Ask your family and friends if they are Ok…” Raymond said.

The GoFundMe to raise money for Ella’s funeral costs managed to exceed its $10,000 goal in a short while, overwhelming Sarah Bailey with gratitude but also serving as a testament to Ella’s incredible heart while alive.

It is a great tragedy whenever the world loses anyone to suicide as it leaves those behind wracked with guilt as they attempt to retrace their steps and see what they could have done better.

Nevertheless, mental illness is always difficult to handle and that’s why the true measure of a person lies in how they treat others because at the end of the day, that’s the only way we can help people overcome the most difficult of challenges, by being kind to one another.

ella bailey gofundme

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